it's so preppy in here !!
elaichi co is a cafe that also happens to sell chai. it's in a pretty secluded location behind the 67 that never fucking leaves or shows up on fucking time. the atmosphere is 'chic' and 'industrial' i put those words in quotes because i am mocking them. their website reads like a goddamn college essay and they take themselves so seriously that i almost expected good coffee.
okay so basically i just got the karak chai and a simple 120z latte with cardamom (elaichi) syrup. starting with the karak chai holy mother of christ what an Unpleasant and Wholly Underwhelming Flavor. might i suggest not cooking your spices in milk for a fucking hour before serving it up so confidently. to say that it was overextracted and burnt would be an injustice to overextracted and burnt chai; nay, i could have cried. what's the point of having a secret ingredient if you can't even taste it. fragrance wise, nothing but weak cardamom and acid. flavor wise, it tasted like I was getting face fucked by a giant clove and having my tongue rubbed in ash. latte was underwhelming, slightly overextracted. no way in hell i'm paying 5.75 for that again. they should give me their coffee machine so i can sell it for a car
Overall rating: 3/5. cutting them some slack because they're new